Thursday, July 24, 2008

Marzocchi Bomber Travel Adjustment


Dear parents,

man we had fun today!

Sandra was with us at the zoo and we got really many animals to see. We roared with the monkeys, bitching the goats, a food break in between you have to make horns then the same with the elephant. It was just great! Unfortunately, Sandra

not shoot as many pictures of us, for us, after all, had to keep in mind that we do not start their own business!

But now see for yourself:

all the little rascals together ...


"Here, Mia, you have not played .....!"

"But they are hungry!"

- without words -

"And all together: MÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄHHHHHH!"

Since Mr. Gorilla extra sets us down!

Mia was very fascinated by this majestic animal!

We were properly managed, after nearly 3 hours and Mia leaned already completely tired of Kilian's shoulder.
was arrived at home eating lunch and then we went to the sleeping quarters. Kilian was so managed that he first 3 1 / 2 hours went into the land of dreams.

Such a trip we will certainly do more often and we are now looking forward to it!

But in the end we want our nanny Sandra and her family a wonderful holiday - you recovered well, we'll meet again in 2 weeks!

Much love,

"The Wombats"