Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Game Of Strategy Dixit Solution

Our facilities ...

Figure 1: the Wardrobe - has child Each day "His" own color with the wombats, even with the plates, cups, utensils, washcloths, towels, etc., are excluded are confused!

(The dressing room with the fresh Easter decorations)

2: The game room

(bright colors are popular with the children)

3: The sleep laboratory

sleep (when is less, just more - the children found in a quiet Ambient light in the well-deserved nap)

4: Our bathroom light

(a funny thing - the children have decorated with their fingers and finger paints the screen and are seeeeeehr proud of it! )

5: The bathroom

(here there is the "rough" seas - pirates, parrots and a treasure chest can be the fantasy space your own stories, when the pot session again "longer") takes

Figure 6: the kitchen

the high chairs we have now at last be banished, we are also "big "....

all feel really comfortable, the bright colors invite you to be happy and have fun. There is always something new bridges to end! This year, we still want the external area (courtyard) embellish and equip it with new toys! (Photos will follow).

Much love to send you all

the "Wombats"!


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