Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Should You Put On Tattoos

Education strike

So the ever-popular student strike has also reached in Bonn. So in the university not in the ghetto. I was just filling the auditorium with B1, what was going on rather slowly. Votes on resolutions and of course everyone has his butt in ...
from actually seeing how the ...
If everyone gives his two cents on this?

Ok bizarre thought. Yes mitzustreiken
grassroots democracy was actually even said all that were not yet ready and still got in the Hörsäälen.
After the encounter with the police then have all students who voluntarily and peacefully vacate the classroom as well.
The appearance of the speaker of the police (a thick old man in uniform), yelled my communist guck final sitting next to already: "Striptease"

How can you actually see Communist? / / "Hm .. all the same!"

On the subject of education I would even think of anything but a ghetto ...

My little brother was once asked in school:
? Why did long hair you coming from caveman ?

In this sense, it welcomes the Central


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