Sunday, May 9, 2010

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MiFi - mobile hotspot for iPad WiFi + iPod touch (+ video)

The differences between fall iPod touch and iPhone for me for personal marginal . Since I almost never fall back on the phone function, stings just the "UMTS-difference" considered. And exactly when I'm on my way to the tram or train me in friendly apartments resident, the 'live' (from abstruse reasons) without a separate Wi-Fi network (can).

Anyone with a moved between its iPod touch WiFi habitats and from work, could confuse the proclaimed as a music player device with an iPhone, plain and simple. Even if the mobile drive automatically dial into known networks, the "all-time on-line" component, of course, weighs heavily. Has exacerbated this situation with the iPad. For some außerhäusigen visits could be a iPad prevent the transportation of my laptop. Without the Internet connection (for me) but just make sense, like any other computer without a net.

are present, but only the "iPad Wi-Fi" models available in the U.S.. Only at the end of May, you can (in Germany) is a MicroSim insert into a "Wi-Fi 3G" model, in order to leave behind all traces of its network.



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